Bit Pouch Bits L-Keys & Handle Kit Kraftform Kompakt

WeraSKU: 581799

Sale price£111.99

Condition: Brand New
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Description & Size Guide

Kraftform Kompakt 100 KK. 52-piece kit. 1/4" drive. Comes with a bit holding screwdriver with Rapidaptor and a Rapidaptor quick-release bit chuck. With L-keys for hex socket head bolts and selection of color coded bits for Phillips, Pozidriv, Torx®, slotted and hex. Bits come as 25mm long BiTorsion or in 50mm long Impaktor making it a high quality and comprehensive but small packed kit. Packed in a robust textile fold-up pouch with hook and loop on the rear side. - BiTorsion bits are absolute premium bits. The tip is hardened steel but the BiTorsion zone in the shaft is softer. The peak loads of impact drivers, prone to break hardened bits, are absorbed. This makes the BiTorsion bits tougher and more resilient for a longer service life. - Impaktor bits are compatible with impact drivers and reduce the risk of bit breakage due to the special tempering process. The diamond coated screw head bites into the screw, preventing slip-out, requiring less pressure and reduces fatigue. Kit contains: Series 813 R - Bit holding magnetic screwdriver. 1/4" drive x 90mm long magnetic bit holding screwdriver with incorporated Rapidaptor quick-release bit chuck and multi-component handle. Takes 1/4" hex bits as per DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 and E 6.3 and Wera series 1 and 4. Series 889/4/1 K - Rapidaptor Quick-Release bit chuck. 1/4" drive x 50mm long. Compatible with all 1/4" insert bits and the longer power bits. The bit holder mechanically holds bits tight through a self-locking mechanism, just push bit in and it will self-adjust for bit length and is magnetic. By pushing the bit holder rubber forwards, the bit releases. The bit holder can be held by hand for support during screwing actions since the sleeve is free spinning. Series 851/1 BTZ PH - Phillips BiTorsion bits. 1/4" drive. 25mm long. Universal, extra tough. Color coded for head style (Red = Phillips) and print for size. Incl. 2xPH1; 4xPH2; 2xPH3. Series 851/4 IMP DC - Phillips Impaktor bits. 1/4" drive. 50mm long. Diamond coated screw head to prevent slipping. Compatible with impact drivers. Color coded for head style (Red = Phillips) and printed for size. Incl. PH1; PH2. Series 855/1 BTH PZ - Pozidriv BiTorsion bits. 1/4" drive. 25mm long. Extra hard. Color coded for head style (Black = pozidriv) and printed for size. Incl. 2xPZ1; 4xPZ2; 2xPZ3. Series 855/4 IMP DC - Pozidriv Impaktor bits. 1/4" drive. 50mm long. Diamond coated screw head to prevent slipping. Compatible with impact drivers. Color coded for head style (Black = Pozidriv) and printed for size. Incl. 2xPZ2; PZ3. Series 867/1 BTZ TORX® - Torx® BiTorsion bits. 1/4" drive. 25mm long. Universal, extra tough. Color coded for head style (Green = Torx®) and printed for size. Incl. 2xTX10; 2xTX15; 3xTX20; 2xTX25; 2xTX30; TX40. Series 867/4 IMP DC - Torx® Impaktor bits. 1/4" drive. 50mm long. Diamond coated screw head to prevent slipping. Compatible with impact drivers. Color coded for head style (Green = Torx®) and printed for size. Incl. TX25; TX30; TX40. Series 800/1 BTZ - Slotted BiTorsion bits. 1/4" drive. 25mm long. Universal, extra tough. Color coded for head style (Yellow = Slotted) and printed for size. Incl. 0.8x5.5; 1.0x5.5. Series 840/4 IMP DC - Hex Impaktor bits. 1/4" drive. 50mm long. For socket head bolts. Diamond coated screw head to prevent slipping. Compatible with impact drivers. Color coded for head style (Blue = Hex) and printed for size. Incl. 4; 5; 6. Series 950 PKS - Chrome L-key. Metric L-key for hex socket head bolts. With Hex-Plus head on long arm and ball-end on short arm (excl. 1.5 size with is regular hexagon). Incl. 1.5x50 ; 2.0x56; 2.5x63; 3.0x71; 4.0x80; 5.0x90; 6.0x100; 8.0x112.

Phillips, Pozidriv, Slotted, Torx® screws and hex socket head bolts

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