Floating Steel Centre Brake Disc FMD0266RF

FerodoSKU: 2280266RF

Sale price£227.99

Condition: Brand New
Orders over £50.00 include FREE Shipping to the United Kingdom

Free Delivery to the UK or Collect in person from Moto Superstore

NOTE: We will contact you when your collection is ready. You will be able to collect from us on or before the estimated delivery date given above.

Description & Size Guide

Ferodo discs are the perfect replacement choice. They are made from the highest quality materials and are manufactured to match or exceed OE standards.
All discs are manufactured with heat treated, high carbon stainless steel that provide:

  • Higher friction coefficients
  • Improved wear
  • Reduced weight
  • Increased strength

RF - A full floating disc, steel carrier, designed to eliminate warping from overheating.

Part No: Fmd0266

Barcode: 5016687286496

Fitment Summary
Compatible with 206 models (yearly).

  • Harley-Davidson: FLHR 1450 Road King, FLHT 1584 Electra Glide Standard, FLHTCU 1584 Electra Glide, FLHTCU 1584 Electra Glide Shrine Ultra, FLHTCU 1584 Electra Glide Ultra, FLHX/i 1584 Street Glide, FLS 1584 Softail Slim, FLS 1690 Softail Slim, FLSTC 1584 Heritage, FLSTC 1584 Heritage Softail, FLSTC/i 1450 Heritage Softail/Classic, FLSTF 1584 Fat Boy, FLSTF/i 1450 Fat Boy, FLSTFB 1584 ANV Fat Boy Lo Softail, FLSTFB 1584 Fat Boy Special Lo, FLSTN 1584 Softail, FLSTSB 1584 Cross Bones, FLSTSB 1584 Softail Cross Bones, FLSTSE 1800 Softail CVO, FLSTSi 1450 Heritage Springer, FXCW 1584 Rocker Softail, FXCWC 1584 Rocker C, FXD 1450 Dyna Super Glide, FXDL 1450 Dyna Low Rider, FXDLi 1450 Dyna Low Rider, FXS 1584 Blackline, FXST 1450 Softail Standard, FXSTB 1450 Night Train, FXSTB 1584 Night Train, FXSTC 1584 Softail Custom, FXSTD 1584 Softail Deuce, FXSTDi 1450 Softail Deuce, FXSTS/i 1450 Springer Softail, FXSTSS 1800 Softail CVO, XL 1200C, XL 1200 Sportster, XL 1200 Sportster N, XL 1200V, XL 1200X, XL 883 L Sportster, XL 883N, XL 883R, XL 883 Sportster, XLH 1200 Sportster, XR 1200, XR 1200X

Returns Policy

Here at MotoSuperstore we offer a 60 day return period to all of our customers. That means that within 60 days of you recieving a product you can return it to us for a full refund or exchange.

There are a few things that we need to make sure of before you return an item to us. Please ensure the item meets the following criteria:

  • Is in brand new condition & still in packaging
  • Was received no more than 60 days ago

Also, there are a few things that are exempt from returns and these include

  • Underwear / base layers

If you wish to return an item to us, please return the item to the following address:

Moto Central Limited
Unit D2, Asfare Business Park,
Hinckley Road, Wolvey,
Leicestershire, LE10 3JG

Please include a note explaining whether you would like to return the item for a refund or an exchange with your name, order number and contact details on.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In an instance where we have sent the wrong product by mistake or it has arrived damaged, please let us know within 24 hours of receipt by calling us on 01455 221 820. In these cases, we will arrange for the courier to collect the goods.

Refunds - Refunds are usually processed within 3-5 days of items coming back to us.

Exchange - Normally exchanges are completed within 1-2 working days but we will always let you know of a delay. For exchanges we do not charge again for shipping.

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