Lm 47 Long-Life Grease + Mos2 100 Gram Tube

Liqui MolySKU: 997615

Sale price£5.99

Condition: Brand New
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Description & Size Guide

Liqui Moly Lm 47 Long-Life Grease + Mos2 100 Gram Tube Language label D. High-grade special grease. The MoS2 content provides the selected base grease with outstanding lubricity and high-performance properties that normal grease does not have. During operation, a permanently adhering, ultra-thin molybdenum disulfide film forms at the sliding surfaces. This film retains its lubrication properties for a long time even after the grease supply completely fails. Extremely long-lasting lubrication properties, can be delivered by central lubrication systems. Used in assembly, maintenance and repair of vehicles, machine tools, construction, agricultural and printing machinery. For heavily loaded bearings and joints, spline shafts, threads and guides. For constant velocity drive joints. - labeling DIN 51502 KPF2K-30 - Operating temperature range: –30 °C to +120 °C, short term up +130 °C - distinctive high-pressure characteristics - increases operational reliability - good corrosion protection - especially resistant to cold and hot water - outstanding lubricating action - highest load-carrying capacity - high resistance to aging - can be delivered by centralized lubrication systems - friction and wear reducing - universal application - economical

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  • Is in brand new condition & still in packaging
  • Was received no more than 60 days ago

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